Friday, September 8, 2017

Increase the Size of an AWS EBS Cloud Volume Attached to a Linux Machine

  1. Stop the instance
  2. Make a snapshot of the volume that we want to increase
  3. Write down the attachment information
    Attachment information: i-f0cacda3 (PROD):/dev/sdf1 (attached)
  4. Detach the volume
  5. Create a new volume with larger size, pick the same zone, pick the snapshot that we create in Step #2
  6. Attach the new volume to the instance with the same attachment information (see Step #3)
  7. Start the instance
  8. ssh into the instance as usual
  9. df -h should still show the old size even we are using a larger volume
  10. Run resize2fs /dev/sdf1 to increase the size to match the larger volume
  11. Reboot (optional)

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Update ESXi Embedded Host Client

1. ssh into the ESXi host as root

2. Goto ESXi Embedded Host Client Site and copy the vib link.

3. install the vib
The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.

VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools.  Please
see for details.

The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the
vSphere Security documentation for more information.
[root@shuttle:~] esxcli software vib install -v
Installation Result
Message: Operation finished successfully.
Reboot Required: false
VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.23.0-6360286
VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.8.0-4516221
VIBs Skipped: 