unzip to C:\Users\chiup_ad\Downloads\
stop "Apache Tomcat 9" service
rmdir E:\tomcat9\webapps\ords
copy ords.war E:\tomcat9\webapps\
start "Apache Tomcat 9" service
cd /D C:\Users\chiup_ad\Downloads\ords-\bin
Create a file password.txt with content below
SYS password here
ORDS_PUBLIC_USER password here
For each db pool, run this command to upgrade ORDS schema
ords --config E:\ords install --log-folder e:\ords\logs --admin-user SYS --db-pool ave --db-hostname parisdb01poc --db-port 1521 --db-servicename paris.optrust.local --feature-db-api true --feature-rest-enabled-sql true --feature-sdw true --gateway-mode proxied --gateway-user APEX_PUBLIC_USER --proxy-user --password-stdin < password.txt